Nature Climate Change: how to get published

Date: 19 May 2011
Speaker(s): Monica Contestabile
Venue: University of Leeds

CCCEP lunchtime seminar (Leeds)

Advancing in climate research is challenging as it requires diverse expertise to answer many of the difficult questions that are now emerging, such as, for example, how climate impacts on agriculture will affect economic growth, and how adaptation can minimise those impacts.

But part of the challenge has also to do with communicating research in such a complex field, where uncertainty about future trends is still high, despite the research efforts. Succeeding in communication is necessary to gain public support for climate policy.

By recognising such a huge challenge, Nature Climate Change, a new journal launched in April by the Nature Publishing Group, aims to cover the broad spectrum of climate research, from physical science to social science, and to offer an outlet for publication of interdisciplinary collaborations, so that they increasingly attract more human and financial resources.

In the aim of succeeding as an interdisciplinary journal, Nature Climate Change has an editorial team with diverse expertise, covering ecology, climate science, impacts and social science.

More information

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Biography of Dr Monica Contestabile

Dr Monica Contestabile is a quantitative economist, with a PhD in environmental economics from the University of Naples Federico II, and a Master’s degree in economics from Coripe Piemonte.

Prior to joining Nature Climate Change, Monica worked with WWF-UK, developing research on sustainable consumption.

Before that, she was a senior lecturer at the Crichton Carbon Centre in Scotland and a visiting professor at University Institute Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico.

Monica’s research interests cover economic valuation of environmental impacts, market based instruments in climate change policy and carbon accounting.