Voluntary Corporate Climate Change Accounting, Reporting and Benchmarking: A useful supplement to conventional policy instruments?

Date: 2 Feb 2010 4:00 pm — 6:00 pm
Speaker(s): Andy Gouldson, Craig Mackenzie
Venue: University of Leeds

The corporate sector is a major source of anthropogenic carbon emissions (more than 40 per cent of total) and will be heavily affected by global climate change mitigation and adaptation policy. As a result, there is a growing demand – from companies, investors and other stakeholders – to understand corporate exposure to climate change risks and to evaluate corporate performance in managing them.

This demand has given rise to a variety of voluntary reporting and evaluation initiatives, such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, Climate Counts and Brand Emissions.

This seminar asked:

  • What is the value of these initiatives?
  • Can they play a useful role in accelerating corporate action on climate change?
  • What challenges do they face?

Part of CCCEP’s 2009-2010 Seminar Series at the University of Leeds.

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