Financing Low Carbon Cities
2 May 2012
Venue: Chatham House, London
The Centre for Low Carbon Futures (CLCF) and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) jointly held this workshop
More information
- Workshop agenda (PDF, 242KB)
- Workshop overview (PDF, 259KB)
- Discussion paper on funding decarbonisation (PDF, 35.2KB)
- Professor Andy Gouldson, University of Leeds: ‘The economics of low carbon cities: outcomes of a city-scale mini-Stern Review‘ (PDF, 628KB)
- Andy Deacon, Energy Savings Trust: ‘The role of local authorities in delivering the low carbon economy‘ (PDF, 859KB)
- Christoph Harwood, Marksman Consulting: ‘The local authority role in financing the local low carbon economy‘ (PDF, 310KB)
- Emily Smith, European Investment Bank: ‘Leveraging investment through targeted support‘ (PDF, 1MB)