Grantham Seminar | Prue Taylor ‘Climate change and the law: diverse perspectives from the outside’
14 Dec 2016 12:30 pm — 2:00 pm
Speaker(s): Prue Taylor
Venue: LSE, CLM.2.05
Ours is a time of profound ecological and moral challenges. After 50 years of environmental law and 25 years of climate change law, are we losing the woods for the trees? This seminar assembles some diverse legal perspectives, with the objective of opening up a broad discussion on the future of law and policy development. Topics will include environmental ethics, constitutional reform, rights and responsibility approaches, commons discourse, multi-level and global governance. If we step outside the current climate change framework, what do we see?
Prue Taylor is a visitor from Auckland University, New Zealand. She is the Deputy Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law. Recent publications include: Ethics and Climate Change: A Study of National Commitments (IUCN, 2014); Multi-Level Governance and Climate Change Mitigation in New Zealand: Lost Opportunities (Climate Policy, 2015), Common Heritage of Humankind: Constructive Utopianism (Cambridge, 2015); Multilateral Environmental Agreements Negotiator’s Handbook, Pacific Region (2013); and Property Rights and Sustainability: The Evolution of Property Rights to Meet Ecological Challenges (Brill, 2011).
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