Panel debate | A year on from Paris: turning commitments into action
24 Nov 2016 12:15 pm — 1:45 pm
Venue: London School of Economics, Tower 2, Room 9.04, Clement's Inn Passage, London, WC2A 2AZ
Professor Lord Stern of Brentford
- Dr Alina Averchenkova, Co-Head Climate Policy at the Grantham Research Institute, LSE
- Pete Betts, Director, International Climate Change at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
- Emmanuel Guérin, Special Advisor to the French Climate Ambassador, Laurence Tubiana; and Consultant, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
- Jennifer Morgan, Executive Director at Greenpeace
In the week immediately after COP22 ends in Marrakesh, ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy chair, Lord Stern, will be joined by a distinguished panel to discuss what the combined outcomes of COP22, the US election and the UK’s decision to leave the European Union mean for international climate diplomacy and the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
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