Policies to finance energy efficiency
1 Jun 2018 9:00 am — 12:30 pm
Venue: London School of Economics, Tower 2, Room 9.04, Clement's Inn Passage, London, WC2A 2AZ
This half-day event, hosted by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science will draw on the insights of a three-year European Investment Bank funded project, exploring a number of key challenges facing energy efficiency financing in the EU.
What are the main information problems inhibiting energy efficiency investments? How do lending institutions effectively value energy efficiency investments? How well do energy efficiency investments actually perform? How to better evaluate policy instruments for improving energy efficiency in the building stock?
The event will bring together key academics, policy makers and practitioners to present and discuss the results from this project and broader issues relating to financing energy efficiency. This is an LSE led project involving partners at CIRED in Paris and DIW in Berlin.
Presentation of the project outputs will be followed by a panel discussion involving expert practitioners and academics.
This lecture is part of a two day event focusing on energy efficiency taking place at the Grantham Research Institute, LSE on Thursday 31st May and Friday 1st June.
9.00 – 9.15
Opening Address. Henry von Blumenthal (Deputy Dean of the EIB Institute)
Presentation of results from the EIB University Research Sponsorship (EIBURS) project – Policies to finance energy efficiency
Chair: Dr. Francois Cohen (University of Oxford)
“Energy efficiency as a credence good – A review of informational barriers to energy-efficiency investment.” Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet (CIRED Paris)
“Evaluating policy instruments for improving energy efficiency in the building stock.” Puja Singhal (DIW Berlin)
“How do lenders price energy-efficiency loans? Evidence from France.” Anna Petronevich (CIRED Paris)
“How well do energy efficiency measures actually perform?” Daire McCoy (Grantham Research Institute, LSE)
Read presentation slides
10.45 – 11.15
11.15 – 12.30
Panel discussion. “Financing energy efficiency”
This discussion will focus on the key barriers and drivers to increased energy efficiency in the residential sector. It will involve discussion from key academics, policy practitioners and the business community.
The discussion will be chaired by Dr. Radhika Khosla (Research Director, Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Oxford).
Closing address. Professor Sam Fankhauser (Director, Grantham Research Institute, LSE)
Confirmed panellists include:
Peter Sweatman (CEO, Climate Strategies and Partners)
Isidoro Tapia (Energy Economist, European Investment Bank)
Ioannis Orfanos (Business Partner, Energy Transformation and Commercial Advisory, BEIS)
Dr Gesche Huebner (Senior Research Associate, Bartlett School Environment, Energy & Resources, UCL)
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