Article by Dr Robert Falkner included in MIT Press’s “50 Influential Journal Articles” anniversary celebration
Posted on 15 May 2012 in Announcements
Dr Falkner’s article, ‘Private Environmental Governance and International Relations: exploring the links’ (Global Environmental Politics 3:2, 2003), has been included in the list of 50 influential journal articles published in MIT Press journals, in honour of the Press’ 50th anniversary.
The 50 articles were chosen from a wide range of disciplines, including economics, international affairs, history, science and technology. Dr Falkner’s article is the only one chosen from the journal Global Environmental Politics, which rose to an impact factor of 2.231 and ranked fifth out of 139 journals in political science in 2010. It remains one of the journal’s top-cited articles.
From The MIT Press: “As part of our 50th anniversary celebration, and with suggestions from our editors, we’ve selected 50 influential articles published by the Journals division of the MIT Press. Each of these select articles will be freely available through 19 June 2012.”
Dr Robert Falkner is in the International Relations Department at LSE and also a Grantham associate.
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