New background paper from Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on leveraging private investment and the role of public sector climate finance
Posted on 16 May 2011 in Announcements
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) has published a new Background Note on how public finance and risk mitigation instruments can remove the barriers to private sector investment and thereby leverage significant amounts of private capital for climate change mitigation.
The authors, Jessica Brown and Michael Jacobs, who is a Visiting Professor of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, discuss available options and makes some further proposals on how public sector financial institutions can further engage with this critical issue.
To avoid the dangerous impacts of climate change, global mean temperature must be limited to an increase of 2 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels. To achieve this goal, the International Energy Agency estimates that the required additional capital investments for developing and emerging (non-OECD) economies will amount to $197 billion in 2020. This is nearly twice the amount that developed countries agreed to provide in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Cancún Agreements.
With developed country government debt-to-GDP ratios expected to rise to 110 per cent by 2015, there is a growing understanding that public revenue transfers from north to south will only play a small (albeit vital) part in the overall finance needed by developing countries to create a low carbon future. Moreover, most energy investment around the world comes from private (or para-statal) finance, and public climate finance will, at most, fund only the incremental cost.
Even if public finance is delivered at scale, private investment will continue to have the most important role to play in shaping the configuration of future energy supplies.