UK schoolchildren show policy-makers how it’s done at Model COP21
Posted on 30 Nov 2015 in Announcements
CCCEP postgraduate student Harriet Thew has been helping to run a ‘model’ version of the Paris climate talks at the House of Commons, designed to help young people learn more about climate change and the global negotiating process.
During the event, secondary school pupils from London and Manchester took the role of model negotiators representing some of the countries attending the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21).
Harriet’s studies focus on work involving young people, and as well as the real COP itself she also attended the three-day official Conference of Youth beforehand.
The model event on November 19, run by the InterClimate Network, saw the young negotiators come up with their own ‘legally-binding agreement’ after three hours of intense talks.
At the end of the day Amber Rudd, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, made an appearance to congratulate the participants for their hard work and enthusiasm.