Project 3c
Project staff: Emma Tompkins, Lindsay Stringer and Evan Fraser
This project explores the synergies and trade-offs between adaptation, mitigation and development, looking at different development pathways and policy mixes in coastal areas.
Key questions are:
- What are the implications of joint action on adaptation and mitigation in developing countries?
- What policy instruments are available to maximise the benefits from joint action on adaptation and mitigation?
The research will generate a set of feasible climate resilient (and low carbon) development trajectories for two or three of the poorest and most climate-sensitive countries in East Africa (potentially Tanzania, Kenya, and Mozambique).
Focusing on coastal agricultural and forestry sectors, the sustainability of alternative development pathways will be evaluated under a range of climate futures. Potential trade-offs that may be required to deliver these development pathways will also be identified and quantified where possible.
The project will involve scenario development, as well as policy and institutional analysis.
Expected outputs include:
- identification of mitigation costs and benefits, as well as adaptation thresholds;
- trade-offs and complementarities between adaptation and mitigation;
- a set of climate resilient development pathways;
- policy guidance to support movement along preferred climate resilience development pathways.