Small-Number Statistics, Common Sense and Profit: challenges and non-challenges for hurricane forecasting (PDF, 206KB): A Jarman and L Smith, presented at LSE, 26 May.
Option Pricing in the European Unions Emission Trading Scheme (PDF, 5.40KB): Max Fehr, in the ‘Energy, Environment and Climate’ stream at the EUROXXIV conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14 July.
Reframing the Reliability of Models: moving from error to quality for use (PDF, 93.3KB): Arthur Petersen presented a workshop paper (joint with Leonard Smith) at the ESF workshop, ‘Exploring Epistemic Shifts in Computer Based Environmental Sciences’, Aarhus University, Denmark, 10-12 June.
Interpretation of Decadal Tropical Cyclone Forecasts for Decision-Support: application to insurance and disaster risk reduction along the US Gulf Coast and the Caribbean: Falk Niehoerster (N. Ranger, L. Smith, F. Niehoerster, R. Muir-Wood and H. Kunreuther), AMS conference on Hurricane meteorology in Tucson Arizona, May.
Talk on the EU ETS work: Max Fehr, Industrial-Academic Forum on Commodities, Energy Markets, and Emissions Trading, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, 9-10 April.
At war with the Weather: managing large-scale risks in a new era of catastrophes
Professor Howard C. Kunreuther spoke at the London School of Economics and Political Science on the subject of his new book.
Speaker: Professor Howard C. Kunreuther of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Date: 14 October 2009