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J.M. Haywood
J.M. Haywood
Research articles
- Estimating the climate impact of linear contrails using the UK Met Office climate model
1 Oct 2010. A. Rap, Piers Forster, J.M. Haywood, A. Jones, Olivier Boucher - Parameterization of contrails in the UK Met Office Climate Model.
19 May 2010. A. Rap, Piers Forster, A. Jones, Olivier Boucher, J.M. Haywood, N. Bellouin, R.R. De Leon - A case study of the radiative forcing of persistent contrails evolving into contrail-induced cirrus.
19 Dec 2009. J.M. Haywood, R.P. Allan, J. Bornemann, Piers Forster, P.N. Francis, S. Milton, G. Radel, A. Rap, K.P. Shine, R. Thorpe