Acting on climate and poverty: if we fail on one, we fail on the other

In this policy insight, the authors explain how rising to the climate and poverty challenges in tandem can generate great gains for people and the environment across continents and create new paths for sustainable development and poverty reduction – while delayed action on climate change will entrench poverty around the world.

Climate change litigation and central banks

This paper provides an overview of known climate litigation case numbers, metrics and categorisations, and considers some of the most relevant trends in the arguments and strategies employed by litigants.

Accountability mechanisms in climate change framework laws

Climate change framework laws are needed for the successful implementation of the Paris Agreement. This policy insight examines the elements that can be ‘built in’ to framework laws to specify accountability for the implementation of the core obligations contained within, based on a review of 43 such laws from the Climate Change Laws of the World database.

Financing the just transition beyond coal

emissions-intensive coal industry. This policy brief looks at actions the energy sector and finance are starting take to ensure there is a just transition for affected workers and communities, and how those actions can be scaled up.