Policy and diplomacy in the production of second generation ethanol in Brazil: International relations with the EU, the USA and Africa

Favretto N, Afionis S, Stringer LC, Buckeridge M. 2017. Policy and diplomacy in the production of second generation ethanol in Brazil: International relations with the EU, the USA and Africa. In: MS Buckeridge, AP de Souza (eds.), Advances of basic science for second generation bioethanol from sugarcane and their impact on technology. Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49826-3_11

Trust, temperature fluctuations, and asylum applications

This paper studies the relationship between generalised trust in other members in society, temperature fluctuations during the maize growing season, and international migration by asylum seekers, asking whether trust mitigates or increases the impact of climate change on migration.