
Adding fuel to fire? Social spillovers in the adoption of LPG in India

Research article by Suchita Srinivasan, Stefano Carattini on 29 Oct 2019

This paper focuses on the Indian context and investigates, over a relatively long time-frame, whether social spillover effects might have played a role in a household’s decision to use LPG, and how these effects varied across different sub-populations. read more »

Adding fuel to fire? Social spillovers and spatial disparities in the adoption of LPG in India

Working paper by Suchita Srinivasan, Stefano Carattini on 8 Feb 2019

This paper investigates the role of ‘social spillovers’ – people learning from and imitating the behaviour of other people – in the adoption of new technologies, with a focus on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in India. The conclusions are important for policymakers seeking to hasten the switch to cleaner energy sources in developing countries. read more »

Social interactions and the adoption of solar PV: evidence from cultural borders

Working paper by Stefano Carattini, Martin Péclat, Andrea Baranzini on 5 Nov 2018

This paper investigates the role of ‘social spillovers’ in the adoption of new technologies. The authors find that the French-German language border in Switzerland acts as a barrier to social interactions and, eventually, to the adoption of new technologies – in this case solar PV. read more »

Trust and CO2 emissions: Cooperation on a global scale

Working paper by Stefano Carattini, Ara Jo on 27 Mar 2018

This paper finds that the culture of cooperation sustained by trust within a country positively affects international cooperative behaviour, showing that an increase in trust between citizens results in larger cuts in carbon dioxide emissions. read more »

Understanding interpersonal violence: the impact of temperatures in Mexico

Working paper by François Cohen, Fidel Gonzalez on 19 Jan 2018

This research investigates how and why high temperature has an effect on criminality, using data from Mexico. It suggests that the additional crimes committed on hot days are due to changes in time use and habits by both criminals and their victims during times of high temperature. read more »

Cooperation in the climate commons

Working paper by Stefano Carattini, Simon Levin, Alessandro Tavoni on 18 Jan 2017

This paper surveys the existing empirical evidence on the scope for cooperation in the climate commons and on the effectiveness of possible interventions to spur it. Given the global public … read more »