Energy and the bubble economy
20 May 2014 5:00 pm — 7:00 pm
Speaker(s): Tiago Domingos, (IST, Portugal); Robert Ayers, (INSEAD, France); Chair: Tim Foxon, Reader in Sustainability and Innovation at the University of Leeds
Venue: Maurice Keyworth Lecture Theatre, Leeds University Business School
Join Tiago Domingos, Assistant Professor at IST, University of Lisbon and Robert Ayers (from INSEAD in France) as they discuss linkages between energy and economic growth, and the implications for a sustainable economy. Tiago will present evidence for linkagesbetween energy and economic growth, and the implications for a sustainable economy. Tiago will present evidence for linkages by assessing “Can energy use and economic growth be de-coupled?”. Robert will then pick up the “energy baton” by discussing the implications of these linkages, drawing on his forthcoming book: “The Bubble Economy: Is There a Sustainable Way Forward?”
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