Matthias Täger
In his PhD Matthias explores how financial market actors govern their relationships with the environment, focusing on the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). His research aims at understanding and explaining how the TCFD emerged, how the decision-making and knowledge production process leading to the final recommendations unfolded, and how these recommendations are being distributed, institutionalised and marketised within financial markets.
Before joining LSE in 2017 Matthias was a Fulbright student at the School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts Boston, where he also worked as a research assistant. Previously, he was a research assistant at the University of Bremen, the European Institute for Public Participation in Bremen, the LMU Munich and the Institute for Contemporary History Munich. He received a BA in Political Science and History from LMU Munich and an MA in International Relations from the University of Bremen and the Jacobs University Bremen.
Research interests
- Transnational environmental governance
- Political economy of the environment
- Sociology of finance
- Sustainable finance