Rodney Boyd
Rodney worked at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment from March 2014 until January 2016. He was primarily responsible for providing policy-related research assistance to Professor Stern. He is also a Policy Analyst within the Institute’s policy team, working on projects relating to financing the adaptation to and mitigation of climate change impacts.
Rodney has been involved in the energy and climate change sector since 2006, working on climate finance, renewable energy and carbon economics. He started his career in the UK as an Energy and Carbon Analyst with National Grid, one of the world’s largest utilities, before becoming Senior Research Analyst with IDEAcarbon, an independent London-based group specialising in providing financial intelligence and advice on carbon markets and climate policy. For two years, Rodney volunteered to lead the CDM/JI commentary at Climatico Analysis.
Prior to working at the Grantham Research Institute, he was with the Climate Policy Initiative in Berlin and Venice. Here, he analysed the role of public money to mobilise private climate investment, tracked current climate finance flows globally and for Germany, and worked with policymakers to test the effectiveness of European energy and climate policies, including energy network regulation and financing, renewable energy support and carbon market design.
Rodney holds a MSc (First Class with Distinction) in Sustainable Energy Systems specialising in the economics of the power system and climate policy design, and a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics, both from the University of Edinburgh.
Research Interests
- The role of the public in climate investment through efficient financial support and effective policy.
- Private sector investment strategies, business models, risk/return appetites and measuring real or perceived risks.
- The bankability of renewable energy technologies and cost reduction potentials.
Publications produced prior to joing the Institute
Financing transmission investment and the role of public policy
Boyd, R., and K. Neuhoff. 2012. Conference Paper – 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Florence, Italy.
Renewable electric energy integration: Quantifying the value of design of markets for international transmission capacity
Neuhoff, K., Barquin, J., Bialek, J., Boyd, R., Dent, C., Echavarren, F., Grau, T., von Hirschhausen, C., Hobbs, B., Kunz, F., Nabe, C., Papaefthymiou, G., Weber, C., and H. Weigt. 2013. Energy Economics, v.40, pp.760–772.
How do surplus allowances impact banking behaviour? Drawing lessons from the European Emission Trading Scheme
Neuhoff, K., Schopp, A., Vasa, A., Stelmakh, K., and R. Boyd. Forthcoming.
Policy publications
- Intended nationally determined contributions: what are the implications for greenhouse gas emissions in 2030?
Policy publications, 30 Oct 2015 - The road to Paris and beyond
Policy publications, 31 Aug 2015 - Tracking intended nationally determined contributions: what are the implications for greenhouse gas emissions in 2030?
Policy publications, 19 Aug 2015 - Bridging the gap: improving the economic and policy framework for carbon capture and storage in the European Union
Policy publications, 16 Jun 2015 - What will global annual emissions of greenhouse gases be in 2030, and will they be consistent with avoiding global warming of more than 2°C?
Policy publications, 4 May 2015 - Innovation, risk and government: perspectives and principles from the social sciences
Policy publications, 19 Nov 2014
- India looks to balance emissions reductions with bringing electricity to the poor (on
8 Dec 2015 - India Defends Emissions Targets as Modi Heads to Paris for Talks (on
30 Nov 2015 - “Ramped-up” commitments needed to overcome carbon emissions gap: study (on
2 Sep 2015 - Metas de redução de emissões são insuficientes, revela estudo (on
2 Sep 2015 - EU calls for urgency in ‘seriously lagging’ Paris climate talks (on
20 Aug 2015 - Countries are falling short of the 2°C target but Paris can unlock four keys to climate action
20 Aug 2015 - EU Needs More Carbon Capture Technology, Report Says (on
19 Jun 2015 - La UE debe aumentar su inversión en captura de CO2 para cumplir sus objetivos de cambio climático, según informe (on
19 Jun 2015 - G7 fossil fuel pledge is a diplomatic coup for Germany’s ‘climate chancellor’ (on
10 Jun 2015 - The key climate and clean energy problem of 2015: Doing a lot isn’t the same as doing enough (on
8 May 2015 - Paris climate summit: Carbon pledges to fall short of warming goal, Stern warns (on
6 May 2015 - Key climate change goal may be missed (on
6 May 2015 - UN says carbon plans ‘deeply inadequate’ (on
5 May 2015 - Paris 2015: Two degrees warming a ‘prescription for disaster’ says top climate scientist James Hansen (on
5 May 2015 - Carbon plans deeply inadequate: climate study warns (on
4 May 2015 - Réchauffement climatique: les engagements actuels ne suffiront pas (on
4 May 2015 - Britische Forscher: UN-Klimaschutzziele sind gefährdet (on
4 May 2015 - Report: Global emissions goals still aren’t enough to prevent dangerous warming (on
4 May 2015 - Emissions pledges ‘are not enough’ (on
4 May 2015 - Planned curbs in greenhouse gas emissions won’t prevent global warming ‘danger limit’ being reached, warns report (on
4 May 2015 - Current carbon pledges won’t stop dangerous global warming, says Lord Stern (on
4 May 2015