Social discounting and the equity premium

This paper assembles a picture of the evolving research on and understanding of the equity premium and the issues it covers reinforce other arguments for discounting over time at a social time preference rate in climate change analysis.

Social discounting and the cost of public funding in practice

This paper is a contribution to the understanding and development of social discounting regimes. It addresses three implications of how public funding differs from private financing by debt and equity, then examines US Federal and United Kingdom central government conventions, and also illustrates the difficulties of establishing and maintaining analytically rigorous social discounting procedures in practice.

Assessing the Quality of Regional Climate Information

Abstract There are now a plethora of data, models, and approaches available to produce regional and local climate information intended to inform adaptation to a changing climate. There is, however, no framework to assess the quality of these data, models, and approaches that takes into account the issues that arise when this information is produced. […]

Insurance and financial services across developing countries: an empirical study of coverage and demand

Analysing household data from 16 developing countries across Asia and Africa, this paper examines the landscape of access to and sources of financial services. The results shed new light on how insurance uptake could be increased through more tailored and targeted products and services that are designed to meet local needs and requirements in the face of climate and other shocks. read more »