Climate change litigation: courts to the rescue?
21 Mar 2017 6:00 pm — 7:30 pm
Speaker(s): Hari Osofsky (University of Minnesota Law School), Gillian Lobo (ClientEarth)
Venue: NAB 2.04, New Academic Building, LSE
LSE Law, Grantham Research Institute and ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy public event
Welcome by Joana Setzer (Grantham Research Institute & Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, LSE)
Hari Osofsky (University of Minnesota Law School)
Gillian Lobo (ClientEarth)
Chaired by Veerle Heyvaert (LSE Law)
This event is free to attend with no ticket or pre-registration required. Seats are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Suggested hashtag: #LSEClimateCourts
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