Past Events

The Public Life of Climate Change: The First 25 Years

Speaker(s): Mike Hulme, Professor of Climate and Culture, King's College London; Chair: Suraje Dessai, Professor of Climate Change Adaptation, University of Leeds
3 Mar 2014 at Western Lecture Theatre, Leeds University Business School

Synopsis: In 1988 few serious commentators believed that the politics of climate change would be anything other than tortuous. Yet the assumption has remained through the period since that human-induced climate change is an important, urgent and discrete problem which at least in principle lends itself to policy solutions. Optimism has waxed and waned, but […]

Low Carbon Development in China

Speaker(s): Dr Dabo Guan, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Economics and Governance ; Professor Chris Dent, Professor of East Asia's International Political Economy
26 Feb 2014 at 8.119, Seminar Rooms 1,2 & 3, School of Earth and Environment.

Synopsis: China’s relationship with energy security, climate change and low carbon development in complex. With China’s emissions growth accounting for more than half the global total, its efforts to transition to a low carbon economy will be critical in tackling global climate change. We will outline the reasons for the surge in emissions from China […]

Up in Flames: Past, Present and Future of REDD+

Speaker(s): Heike Schroder, Senior Lecturer in climate change and international development at the School of International Development, University of East Anglia
22 Jan 2014 at School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds

Sustainable Materials: with both eyes open

Speaker(s): Julian Allwood
27 Nov 2013 at University of Leeds

SRI / INDEMAND / CCCEP seminar One third of the world’s carbon emissions are emitted by industry. Most industrial emissions relate to producing materials, and steel and cement are by far the most important contributors. The industries that make materials are energy-intensive, so have always been motivated to be efficient, and have now reached a […]

Maximising Academic Impact, Minimising Environmental Impact: towards the development of a low carbon, more sustainable academic travel policy

13 Nov 2013 at University of Leeds

SRI/CCCEP seminar Speakers/panel: Professor Kevin Anderson, Professor of Energy and Climate Change, University of Manchester; Professor Lindsay Stringer, Director of the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) and Professor in Environment and Development; Professor John Barrett, Professor of Sustainability Research, University of Leeds; Katie Livesey, Student Experience Officer and Green Impact Co-ordinator for the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds […]

The Burning Question: We can’t burn half the world’s oil, coal and gas. So how do we quit?

Speaker(s): Duncan Clark
5 Nov 2013 at University of Leeds

Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy’s Big Climate Change Debate As debate continues to rage about the role technologies such as ‘fracking’ should play in the UK’s future energy security, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change publishes the first part of its 5th Assessment Report. One of its key findings is that the world […]

Essential Planetary Maintenance Engineering or Defence of the Global Economic Status-Quo? Exploring contending framings of climate geoengineering

Speaker(s): Rose Cairns
23 Oct 2013 at University of Leeds

This seminar explored different ideas about what geoengineering means, examining ways in which it is being framed by those most active in these debates, and asked what the implications of various framings might be for the future development trajectories of these technologies, and climate policy more broadly. The term ‘geoengineering’ has become massively more prominent […]