Harriet Thew
Harriet is a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds. Her research focuses on youth participation in climate change decision making, further details of which are given below.
As a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) she also supports the delivery of the following Masters Programmes:
Prior to joining the School of Earth and Environment Harriet managed the global environment programme for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, coordinating several large international climate change education, outreach and advocacy projects. Her early career also included project management and stakeholder engagement roles with a focus on climate change adaptation and flood risk for the UK Environment Agency and the Climate Change Schools Project.
Harriet has been closely following the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change since 2012, tracking the negotiations, advocating for and speaking as an invited expert on Article 6: Climate Change Education, Training, Public Participation, Public Awareness, Public Access to Information and international co-operation. She is also interested in capacity building and the participation of Non-State Actors, particularly women and youth, in climate change policies and programmes. Ongoing engagement in climate change governance processes informs both her research and my teaching.