Muriel Bonjean Stanton
Muriel is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University Leeds, in the Sustainability Research Institute (School of Earth and Environment).
For her PhD, Muriel explored how private sectors in Europe perceive the risks associated with climate variability and change, in understanding how adaptation decisions are made in the private sector and what these are, as well as unravelling what role(s) the national adaptation policy context play in shaping these decisions, if at all. Muriel is also an associate with the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP).
Background information
Previously, Muriel worked as a Researcher for the University of Oxford (UK), the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USA).
Muriel graduated with an MSc in Environmental Technology and Management in 2003 (2.1; From 3 universities in England, Denmark, Germany), an MSc in Health Engineering and the Environment in 2002 (1st; France) and a BSc in Environmental Engineering in 2001 (2.1; Double Diploma in France and Germany).
Research interests
- Climate adaptation
- Climate finance and investments (and especially the place of private sector finance)
- Roles of climate policies in shaping adaptation from the bottom-up
- Managing climate risks under uncertainties
- Behavioural economics
- Perceptions of risks and especially climate risks
- Institutional change
Research articles
- A systematic review of the impacts of climate variability and change on electricity systems in Europe
1 Aug 2016. Jouni Paavola, Suraje Dessai, Muriel Bonjean Stanton