Supporting adaptation to climate change among businesses and households in semi-arid lands: an agenda for the Talanoa Dialogue
The Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE) international research programme, part of the broader Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), has spent five years deepening understanding of the adaptation challenges that arise in semi-arid lands (SALs) via robust, evidence-based and stakeholder-driven research.
Most adaptation decisions in SALs are made privately by actors in households and businesses. But they cannot do this alone. As we move through the Talanoa Dialogue process, this briefing note shares PRISE learning on supporting private adaptation of households and businesses in SALs to address the questions ‘where are we?’, ‘where do we want to go?’ and ‘how do we get there?’. More detailed findings will be submitted for the Talanoa Dialogue October intake.
See also Credible implementation of the Paris Agreement: Input to the Talanoa Dialogue