Declan Conway

Co-Director, LSE

Declan Conway

Declan Conway is Research Director at the Grantham Research Institute. He joined the Institute as a Professorial Research Fellow on the 28th October 2013.


Declan’s research cuts across water, climate and society, with a strong focus on adaptation and international development. Originally a geographer, Declan draws on insights from different disciplines to pursue problem focused research. He has over 20 years experience working in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia (particularly China). Declan’s research funding has included the EU, UK departments DFID, Defra and DECC, UK NERC and ESRC, US NSF and the World Bank.

Research Interests

  • Water security and climate change
  • Adaptation and development
  • Water-energy-food Nexus
  • China and climate change
  • Nile Basin and climate change

Prospective PhD Students

Declan welcomes prospective PhD students and can be contacted with ideas related to any of the above areas. He is particularly interested in novel/unusual ideas that cut across disciplines.
Visit the ‘Study with us’ page for further information on applying to be a PhD student with us.


Research articles

Working papers

Policy publications