Andy Dougill
Andy is Dean of International Development and Professor of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Leeds.
He has extensive research expertise from a range of agro-ecosystems in the development of integrated methods for land degradation and farming system resilience assessment.
His current work is extending such approaches by developing vulnerability assessments based on studies at a range of scales, and incorporating environmental resilience, institutional analysis and socio-environmental scenario assessments.
Andy leads the ‘Sustainability Science for Pro-Poor Climate Policy’ work package within the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) that will analyse the integrated use of climate science and local knowledge in developing climate resilience projects and programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. He is also leading field-based research assessments of sub-Saharan farming systems in related work as part of the NERC/DFID Future Climate for Africa programme.
Andy has a BSc in Geography and a PhD in Environmental Change from the University of Sheffield.
He has authored over 70 peer-reviewed on climate change vulnerability, adaptations to environmental change and land degradation assessment approaches. He has developed integrated participatory methodologies for stakeholder-led land degradation assessments in a range of agro-ecological zones across the globe, including semi-arid savannas, dryland mixed farming systems, mountain farming systems and temperate upland ecosystems. He has provided inputs to national, regional and international reviews of land degradation and climate vulnerability assessment methods for a wide range of academic and institutional reports.
Research interests
- Soil degradation;
- Agricultural development;
- Participatory and environmental monitoring;
- Climate services and adaptation planning.
Research articles
- Reorienting land degradation towards sustainable land management: Linking sustainable livelihoods with ecosystem services in rangeland systems
8 Dec 2020. Mark Reed, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, J.S. Perkins, Julius Atlhopheng, Nicola Favretto - Towards improved policy and institutional coherence in the promotion of sustainable biofuels in Mali
8 Dec 2020. Nicola Favretto, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Land use, rangeland degradation and ecological changes in the southern Kalahari, Botswana
8 Dec 2020. Andy Dougill, J.S. Perkins, Lindsay Stringer, Nicola Favretto, Julius Atlhopheng - Valuing Ecosystem Services in Semi-Arid Rangelands through Stochastic Simulation
8 Dec 2020. Nicola Favretto, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to identify dryland ecosystem service trade-offs under different rangeland land uses
8 Dec 2020. Nicola Favretto, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Martin Dallimer, J.S. Perkins, Mark Reed, J.R. Atlhopheng - Links between climate change mitigation, adaptation and development in land policy and ecosystem restoration projects: lessons from South Africa
8 Dec 2020. Nicola Favretto, Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer, Stavros Afionis, Claire Quinn - Delivering climate-development co-benefits through multi-stakeholder forestry projects in Madagascar: opportunities and challenges.
8 Dec 2020. Nicola Favretto, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Claire Quinn - Evolution of national climate adaptation agendas in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia: the role of national leadership and international donors
2 Oct 2020. Joanna Pardoe, Katharine Vincent, Declan Conway, Emma Archer van Garderen, Andy Dougill, David Mkwambisi, Dorothy Tembo-Nhlema - Adaptation opportunities and maladaptive outcomes in climate vulnerability hotspots of northern Ghana
18 Mar 2018. Philip Antwi-Agyei, Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer, Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe - How do sectoral policies support climate compatible development? An empirical analysis focusing on southern Africa
23 Jan 2018. Stavros Afionis, Matthew England, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Socially Just Triple-Wins? A Framework for Evaluating the Social Justice Implications of Climate Compatible Development
18 Jan 2018. Ben Wood, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Claire Quinn - Integrating climate adaptation, water governance and conflict management policies in lake riparian zones: Insights from African drylands
18 Nov 2017. Uche Okpara, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Assessing coherence between sector polices and climate compatible development: opportunities for triple wins
18 Nov 2017. Philip Antwi-Agyei, Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer - How do sectoral policies support climate compatible development? An empirical analysis focusing on southern Africa,
18 Oct 2017. Matthew England, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Stavros Afionis - Investigating Climate Compatible Development Outcomes and their Implications for Distributive Justice: Evidence from Malawi
18 May 2017. Ben Wood, Claire Quinn, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Lake drying and livelihood dynamics in Lake Chad: unravelling the mechanisms, contexts and responses
1 Nov 2016. Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer, Uche Okpara - Exploring power and procedural justice within Climate Compatible Development design: whose priorities are being considered?
17 Aug 2016. Ben Wood, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Claire Quinn - Using a novel climate–water conflict vulnerability index to capture double exposures in Lake Chad
6 Jul 2016. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Uche Okpara - Perceived stressors of climate vulnerability across scales in the Savannah zone of Ghana: A participatory approach
16 Jun 2016. Andy Dougill, Philip Antwi-Agyei, Claire Quinn, Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe, Richard Lamboll, Delali Benjamin Komla Dovie, Samuel Godfried Kwasi Adiku - Evidence and perceptions of rainfall change in Malawi: Do maize cultivar choices enhance climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa?
1 Apr 2016. Chloe Sutcliffe, Andy Dougill, Claire Quinn - Perspectives on contextual vulnerability in discourses of climate conflict
8 Feb 2016. Uche Okpara, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Perspectives on contextual vulnerability in discourses of climate conflict
1 Feb 2016. Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer, Uche Okpara - Impacts of land tenure arrangements on the adaptive capacity of marginalized groups: The case of Ghana’s Ejura Sekyedumase and Bongo districts
5 Nov 2015. Philip Antwi-Agyei, Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer - Conflicts about water in Lake Chad: Are environmental, vulnerability and security issues linked?
1 Oct 2015. Uche Okpara, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Ensuring climate information guides long-term development
23 Aug 2015. Andy Dougill, Paul Watkiss, Nicola Ranger, Katharine Vincent - Enhancing climate services for national planning in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons from Malawi
20 Aug 2015. Katharine Vincent, Andy Dougill, Jami Dixon, Lindsay Stringer - Evidence and perceptions of rainfall change in Malawi: Do maize cultivar choices enhance climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa?
4 Aug 2015. Chloe Sutcliffe, Andy Dougill, Claire Quinn - Critical reflection on knowledge and narratives of conservation agriculture
1 Mar 2015. Stephen Whitfield, Andy Dougill, Felix Kalaba, J. Leventon, Lindsay Stringer - Soil respiration at five sites along the Kalahari Transect: effects of temperature, precipitation pulses and biological soil crust cover.
4 Nov 2014. Andrew Thomas, Stephen Hoon, Andy Dougill - Delivering community benefits through REDD : Lessons from Joint Forest Management in Zambia
1 Jul 2014. J. Leventon, Felix Kalaba, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Policy coherence and interplay between Zambia’s forest, energy, agricultural and climate change policies and multilateral environmental agreements
1 May 2014. Felix Kalaba, Claire Quinn, Andy Dougill - Challenges and opportunities for carbon management in Malawi and Zambia
10 Apr 2014. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, David Mkwambisi, Felix Kalaba, Mtisunge Mngoli - Time-series analysis of policies and market prices for provisioning ecosystem services in Botswana’s Kalahari rangelands
1 Feb 2014. Nicola Favretto, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, J.S. Perkins, J.R. Atlhopheng, Mark Reed, A. Thomas and K. Mulale - Seasonal differences in soil CO efflux and carbon storage in Ntwetwe Pan, Makgadikgadi Basin, Botswana.
24 Jan 2014. Andrew David Thomas, Andy Dougill, David R Elliott, Helen Mairs - Experiences of host communities with carbon market projects: towards multi-level climate justice
2 Dec 2013. Stavros Afionis, Jouni Paavola, Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer - Contribution of forest provisioning ecosystem services to rural livelihoods in the Miombo woodlands of Zambia.
1 Dec 2013. Felix Kalaba, Claire Quinn, Andy Dougill - Unpacking livelihood challenges and opportunities in energy crop cultivation: perspectives on Jatropha curcas projects in Mali.
28 Oct 2013. Nicola Favretto, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Advancing climate compatible development: lessons from southern Africa.
19 Sep 2013. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Katharine Vincent, Florian Fritzsche, Julia Leventon, Mario Paulo Falcão, Pascal Manyakaidze, Stephen Syampungani, Philip Powell, Gabriel Kalaba - Floristic composition, species diversity and carbon storage in charcoal and agriculture fallows and management implications in Miombo woodlands of Zambia.
15 Sep 2013. Felix Kalaba, Claire Quinn, Andy Dougill, Royd Vinya - The role of forest provisioning ecosystemservices in coping with household stresses and shocks in Miombo woodlands, Zambia
1 Sep 2013. Felix Kalaba, Claire Quinn, Andy Dougill - Laboratory analysis of the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on respiration in biological soil crusts.
23 Aug 2013. Richard Lane, Manoj Menona, James McQuaid, David Adams, Andrew D.Thomas, Steve Hoon, Andy Dougill - Livelihoods adaptations to climate variability: insights from farming households in Ghana
18 Mar 2013. Philip Antwi-Agyei, Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Is rainfall really changing? Farmers’ perceptions, meteorological data, and policy implications.
12 Feb 2013. Elisabeth Simelton, Claire Quinn, Nnyaladzi Batisanic, Andy Dougill, Evan Fraser, David Dalison Mkwambisie, Susannah Sallu, Lindsay Stringer - Channelling science into policy: enabling best practices from research on land degradation and sustainable land management in dryland Africa.
15 Jan 2013. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Characterising the nature of household vulnerability to climate variability: empirical evidence from two regions in Ghana.
21 Nov 2012. Philip Antwi-Agyei, Andy Dougill, Evan Fraser, Lindsay Stringer - The socioeconomics of food crop production and climate change vulnerability: a global scale quantitative analysis of how grain crops are sensitive to drought.
1 Jun 2012. Elisabeth Simelton, Evan Fraser, Mette Termansen, Tim G. Benton, Simon N. Gosling, Andrew South, Nigel W. Arnell, Andy Challinor, Andy Dougill, Piers Forster - Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands.
26 Apr 2012. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Mapping the vulnerability of crop production to drought in Ghana using rainfall, yield and socioeconomic data.
20 Jul 2011. Evan Fraser, Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer, Elisabeth Simelton - Household and policy adaptations to climate change and desertification: perspectives from Malawi
8 Jun 2011. Lindsay Stringer, David Mkwambisi, Andy Dougill - Cross-scale monitoring and assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management: a methodological framework for knowledge management
25 Jan 2011. Mark Reed, Michaela Buenemann, Julius Atlhopheng, Mariam Akhtar-Schuster, Felicitas Bachmann, G. Bastin, Harriet Bigas, R. Chanda, Andy Dougill, W. Essahli, Anna C. Evely, Luuk Fleskens, N. Geeson, Jayne H. Glass, Rudi Hessel, Joseph Holden, Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris, B. Kruger, Hanspeter P. Liniger, Wanda Mphinyane, Doan Nainggolan, Jeremy Perkins, Christopher M. Raymond, Coen J. Ritsema, Gudrun Schwilch, Reuben Sebego, Mary Seely, Lindsay Stringer, Richard Thomas, Steve Twomlow, Simone Verzandvoort - Jatropha curcas: sowing local seeds of success in Malawi? In response to Achten et al (2010)
24 Jan 2011. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill - Climate science, development practice, and policy interactions in dryland agroecological systems.
1 Jan 2011. Chasca Twyman, Evan Fraser, Lindsay Stringer, Claire Quinn, Andy Dougill, Federica Ravera, Todd Crane, Susannah Sallu - Assessing vulnerability to climate change in dryland livelihood systems: conceptual challenges and interdisciplinary solutions.
1 Jan 2011. Evan Fraser, Andy Dougill, Klaus Hubacek, Claire Quinn, Jan Sendzimir, Mette Termansen - Beyond the garden fence: landscape ecology of cities.
1 Apr 2010. Andy Dougill - Urban agriculture and poverty reduction: evaluating how food production in cities contributes to food security, employment and income in Malawi
17 Feb 2010. David Mkwambisi, Evan Fraser, Andy Dougill - Urban agriculture and poverty reduction: evaluating how food production in cities contributes to food security, employment and income in Malawi.
17 Feb 2010. David Mkwambisi, Evan Fraser, Andy Dougill - Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments.
1 Feb 2010. Andy Dougill - Linking degradation assessment to sustainable land management: a decision support system for Kalahari pastoralists.
1 Jan 2010. Mark Reed, Andy Dougill - Adaptation to climate change and desertification: Perspectives from national policy and autonomous practice in Malawi
1 Jan 2010. Lindsay Stringer, David Mkwambisi, Andy Dougill - Anticipating vulnerability to climate change in dryland pastoral systems: using dynamic systems models for the Kalahari
1 Jan 2010. Andy Dougill, Evan Fraser, Mark Reed - Adaptations to climate change, drought and desertification: insights to enhance policy in southern Africa.
1 Nov 2009. Lindsay Stringer, Mark Reed, Andy Dougill, Chasca Twyman, David Mkwambisi - Typologies of crop-drought vulnerability: an empirical analysis of the socio-economic factors that influence the sensitivity and resilience to drought of three major food crops in China (1961-2001).
1 Jun 2009. Elisabeth Simelton, Evan Fraser, Mette Termansen, Piers Forster, Andy Dougill - Adaptations to climate change, drought and desertification: local insights to enhance policy in southern Africa.
1 Jan 2009. Lindsay Stringer, Andy Dougill, Mark Reed, Chasca Twyman, David Mkwambisi - Land use and socio-economics. Identifying societal factors that lead to agricultural landscapes vulnerable to climate change in Malawi.
1 Jan 2009. Evan Fraser, Elisabeth Simelton, Mette Termansen, Andy Dougill, David Mkwambisi
- Urbanisation and Soil Nutrient Fluxes: Challenges and Opportunities for African cities
1 Jan 2013 - Urban Agriculture, Institutions and Development
1 Jan 2013 - Participatory land degradation assessment
1 Jan 2008
Working papers
- Climate change adaptation and cross-sectoral policy coherence in southern Africa
7 Apr 2017 - Exploring power and procedural justice within Climate-Compatible Development project design: whose priorities are being considered?
11 Feb 2016 - Barriers to climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from northeast Ghana & systematic literature review
1 Oct 2014 - The importance of the sub-district level for community-based natural resource management in rural Zimbabwe
6 Jul 2014 - Unpacking livelihood challenges and opportunities in energy crop cultivation: perspectives on Jatropha curcas projects in Mali
7 Apr 2013 - Policy and institutional frameworks for the promotion of sustainable biofuels in Mali
1 Sep 2012 - Understanding the limits of voluntary carbon reporting and the potential of mandatory reporting
1 Sep 2012 - Characterising the nature of vulnerability to climate variability: empirical evidence from two regions of Ghana
1 Sep 2012 - Spatial mapping of socio-ecological vulnerability to environmental change in Southern Africa
1 Jun 2012 - Cultivating clean energy in Mali: policy analysis and livelihood impacts of Jatropha curcas
1 Feb 2012 - Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, dryland livelihoods and ecosystem service provision
1 Jan 2012 - African farmers’ perceptions of erratic rainfall
1 Oct 2011 - Climate change and the socioeconomics of global food production: A quantitative analysis of how socioeconomic factors influence the vulnerability of grain crops to drought
1 Aug 2011 - Mapping the vulnerability of crop production to drought in Ghana using rainfall, yield and socioeconomic data
1 Mar 2011 - Anticipating vulnerability to climate change in dryland pastoral systems: using dynamic systems models for the Kalahari
1 Sep 2010 - Assessing vulnerability to climate change in dryland livelihood systems: conceptual challenges and interdisciplinary solutions
1 Jun 2010
Policy publications
- Applying a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to identify ecosystem service trade-offs under four different land uses in Botswana’s Kalahari rangelands
Policy publications, 8 Dec 2020 - Links between climate change mitigation, adaptation and development in land policy and ecosystem restoration projects: lessons from South Africa
Policy publications, 8 Dec 2020 - Policy coherence for climate-sensitive planning in Ghana
Policy publications, 8 Dec 2020 - Policy coherence for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
Policy publications, 1 Aug 2018