Doan Nainggolan
Doan is based at the Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University in Roskilde, where he currently holds a postdoctoral fellowship working on the economics of climate change adaptation, with a special reference to agricultural/rural land use in the Nordic region.
The postdoctoral project is associated with NORD-STAR (Nordic Strategic Adaptation Research), funded by Norden Top-Level Research Initiative.
Doan’s approach to research is interdisciplinary and his research has been informed by theoretical frameworks from a wide array of disciplines, including economics, geography and ecology.
Doan holds a Degree in Forest Management (First class) (the State University of Papua, Indonesia), two Masters Degrees (both with Distinction) in Natural Resource Studies (the University of Queensland, Australia) and Ecological Economics (the University of Leeds, UK), and a PhD in Environmental Change and Sustainability from the University of Leeds.
Research interests
- Spatially explicit (GIS), integrated environmental/ecological economic modelling;
- Environmental change (eg land use change, climate change);
- Natural resource economics and management (particularly land, water, and energy);
- Ecosystem services and rural-urban linkages.
Research articles
- Cross-scale monitoring and assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management: a methodological framework for knowledge management
25 Jan 2011. Mark Reed, Michaela Buenemann, Julius Atlhopheng, Mariam Akhtar-Schuster, Felicitas Bachmann, G. Bastin, Harriet Bigas, R. Chanda, Andy Dougill, W. Essahli, Anna C. Evely, Luuk Fleskens, N. Geeson, Jayne H. Glass, Rudi Hessel, Joseph Holden, Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris, B. Kruger, Hanspeter P. Liniger, Wanda Mphinyane, Doan Nainggolan, Jeremy Perkins, Christopher M. Raymond, Coen J. Ritsema, Gudrun Schwilch, Reuben Sebego, Mary Seely, Lindsay Stringer, Richard Thomas, Steve Twomlow, Simone Verzandvoort