This project extends our earlier climate and development-facing work, which has focused on fostering climate-resilient rural development planning at the national level of policy-making. The aim continues to be to improve understanding of the ways in which adaptation, mitigation and development can be balanced and mainstreamed within policies focusing on agriculture, forestry, energy and water sectors and using good practice examples to guide international policy debates. Finding the right balance is vital in determining viable development pathways in the short-, medium- and long-term. Particular attention is given to policy trade-offs to identify whether pursuing adaptation, mitigation and development together can lead to multiple benefits.
This next phase of research on climate-compatible development broadens our earlier work to new countries, and to the examination of sub-national integration of climate and development policies linked to ecological restoration initiatives (using two detailed case studies in South Africa). This case study analysis will allow us to draw lessons for multi-level policy development, design and delivery by examining steps required across governance levels to ensure more climate-resilient interventions for projects focused around conservation and social development goals.
The work also addresses the increasing emphasis on hydrocarbon-driven growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, with new research on energy transitions in resource-rich African countries. The project involves collaboration with key African stakeholders and national partners to ensure enhanced impact.
The research leaders of this project are Andy Dougill, Lindsay Stringer and James Van Alstine.