The Munich Re programme: evaluating the economics of climate risks and opportunities in the insurance sector

This research programme is funded by Munich Re and benefits from research collaborations across the industry and public sectors. It is a comprehensive research programme that focuses on the assessment of the risks from climate change, and on the appropriate responses, to inform decision making in the private and public sectors.

A number of activities are being carried out as part of the programme, including the publication of technical papers and industry briefings, symposia, business roundtables and workshops.

NEW Evaluating the Economics of Climate Risks and Opportunities in the Insurance SectorProgress and Insights from the “Munich Re Programme”

Research projects
Insurance industry briefs
Technical papers
Conference presentations

The Programme Leader for  The Munich Re programme: evaluating the economics of climate risks and opportunities in the insurance sector is Judith Rees


Research projects

There are five project areas within the programme, ranging from the impacts of climate change on extreme weather events to the economic impacts of climate change in emerging economies:

Project 5a: Evidence of current economic reaction and future financial products
Project 5b: Quantifying the uncertainty in economic impacts and increasing the economic relevance of climate modelling
Project 5c: Empirical evidence of impact and model relevance
Project 5d: Quantitative applied climate economics
Project 5e: Economic impacts of climate change in emerging economies

Working papers