
Evidence on business cycles and CO2 emissions

Research article by Baran Doda on 28 Jun 2014

CO2 emissions and GDP move together over the business cycle. Most climate change researchers would agree with this statement despite the absence of a study that formally analyzes the relationship between emissions and GDP at business cycle frequencies. The paper provides a rigorous empirical analysis of this relationship in a comprehensive cross-country panel by decomposing the emissions and GDP series into their growth and cyclical components using the HP filter. read more »

Migrating to tackle climate variability and change? Insights from coastal fishing communities in Bangladesh

Research article by Susannah Mary Sallu, Monirul Islam, Klaus Hubacek, Jouni Paavola on 2 Jun 2014

There is an on-going debate about climate-induced migration but little empirical evidence. We examine how climate-induced migration has impacted vulnerability and adaptation of a coastal fishing community in Bangladesh. We used household surveys, interviews and focus group discussions to compare fishery dependent households who migrated from Kutubdia Island to mainland with those who stayed behind. […]