
Collective intertemporal choice: time consistency vs. time invariance

Working paper by Antony Millner, Geoffrey Heal on 15 Dec 2015

We study collective choice when individuals have heterogeneous discounted utilitarian preferences. Two attractive properties of intertemporal preferences are indistinguishable for individuals, but have dramatically dierent implications for collective choice. Time … read more »

The risk of climate ruin

Working paper by Oliver Bettis, Simon Dietz, Nick Silver on 17 Nov 2015

How large a risk is society prepared to run with the climate system? One perspective on this is to compare the risk that the world is running with the climate … read more »

Communicating uncertainty in seasonal and interannual climate forecasts in Europe: organisational needs and preferences

Research article by Andrea Taylor, Suraje Dessai, Wändi Bruine de Bruin on 10 Nov 2015

Seasonal climate forecasts of European winters now outperform historical averages.If the quality of seasonal and interannual forecasts continues to improve, their use is likely to increase. A challenge for forecast providers will be to communicate the uncertainty inherent in these forecasts to a wider audience. We report the results of a user-needs survey conducted with […]

Testing the effectiveness of climate projections visualisations with adaptation practitioners

Research article by Susanne Lorenz, Suraje Dessai, Piers Forster, Jouni Paavola on 10 Nov 2015

Visualisations are widely used in the communication of climate projections but their effectiveness has rarely been assessed amongst their target audience. To address this we conducted an online survey with 162 local adaptation practitioners in Germany and the UK. We showed that even within a fairly homogenous user group there are clear differences in respondents’ […]